Laporan Kasus : Oklusi Arteri Retina Sentra
Central retinal artery occlusion is an occlusion that occurs suddenly in the
central retinal artery, which causes hypoperfusion of the retina, progressive cellular
damage, and loss of visual acuity. Risk factors are similar to other thromboembolic
diseases and include hypertension, smoking, hyperlipidemia, diabetes,
hypercoagulability, and male gender. All therapy for central retinal artery occlusion
aims to restore perfusion or oxygenation of the retina. Management for acute central
retinal artery occlusion can only be effective if performed less than 6 hours after
41-year-old woman, came to the Retina Eye Polyclinic, Surabaya Community
Eye Hospital with complaints of sudden blurring of the right eye since 3 days ago. On
examination of the anterior segment of the right eye, relative afferent pupillary defect
was found and on the posterior segment of the right eye, pale retina and cherry red
spot was found. Timolol, artificial tears, and eye supplement was given but did not give
good results
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